b'CREATION OF THE publication. Promotional work includedtrailer was shared on Instagram and SCAVENGER HUNT updates on the projects website, whichthe Illustrated Menagerie website, featured teasers of the developingserving as a concise visual introduction A total of 35 illustrations were selectedartworks and augmented elements,to the project.from a call for submissions and theas well as information on the locations established Illustrated Menagerieand related communications with links collection. Each of these artworksto the festival itself. These posts were incorporated augmented reality (AR)archived on the Illustrated Menagerie experiences in some form; animation,website, and additional updates film footage, moving graphics andcontinued after the festival concluded. sound. Some artworks were createdSocial media, particularly Instagram, from stills of moving imagery, forplayed a significant role in both the call example Lily Milans work, whilefor contributions and the exhibition. for others the digital content was generated to enhance and expandPostcards were created as a means on the original content, as was theto provide information about the case with Nia Filipovas cockerel print.scavenger hunt. The augmented layer One artwork, Jenna Beames Dragon, on these postcards could be regularly was transformed into an explorableupdated, allowing for versatility as virtual 3D model through the use oftime went on through the life of the 3D scanning, while others were turnedproject. Initially, the postcards carried into animated pieces, like Sineadthe project logo image along with an McDonnells butterflies. The digitalintroductory AR element. On November aspect of each artwork provided a17th, the start of the festival, an more immersive experience, freelyupdate replaced the AR content with accessible through commonly availablea map displaying the locations of the technology like smartphones. scavenger hunt. By January 2023, the postcards AR featured a 45-second Contributing artists were asked totrailer showcasing the artworks, supply a description of the work anddemonstrating how to access the AR its intended meaning, together with acomponent, and providing guidance short artists bio and contact details foron finding the next clue in the trail. TheInstagram; @theillustratedmenagerie'