b'AR, XR and IllustrationExtended Reality (XR) encompassesReality (VR) to create fully immersiveprojects like Oceans We Make; a broad range of technologies thatexperiences. An Immersive Virtual Reality integrate the physical and virtualExperience1 , and Tell a Tail 360 worlds, utilising Augmented RealityThe use of XR already offersVR2 , both of which encourage (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtualseveral benefits in a broad rangeengagement with the environment of applications including withinor with characters. In Oceans We educational, medical andMake, for instance, interacting with entertainment settings, and itsplastic pollution in a digital ocean deployment has been extensivelydemonstrates its impact, whilst Tell documented. It is establisheda Tail combines both human and a that transdisciplinary media andhousehold pets perspectives, aiming to immersive environments fosterfoster understanding of pets as sentient increased participation andbeings and humans responsibility the construction of personaltoward their care.meaning. As the proverb goes; Tell me something and IllTo increase footfall in urban green forget. Show me somethingspaces, the Illustrated Menagerie and Ill remember. InvolveAugmented Reality Scavenger me and Ill understand. Hunt (IMARSH) project employed a scavenger hunt as a catalyst to activity Multisensory andand to reconnect with nature. The gamification techniquesinitial proposal involved an illustrated are commonlyanimal AR scavenger hunt, based on employed in educationalthe understanding that being in nature, and entertainmentobserving, and experiencing the world environments, as well asthrough walking, looking, hearing and by agents working towardseeing is beneficial. Similar to John social change. ProminentHankes philosophy behind the creation examples includeof Pokemon Go, which encouraged'