b'Maxim HertzogA Sirens PullThe Bola Spider lure their prey (male moths) in byMaxim is a communication design student from Darmstadt mimicking the pheromones of female moths and(Germany) interested in fable for storyboarding and illustrations. His then slinging a sticky thread towards the moth tointerests lie in myths, fables and horror, which inspire his designs and catch it (like a lasso or bolas).work.This three-dimentionally drawn narrative isInstagram @vinvlartfocusing on the luring part, with inspiration fromMail hertzmaxx@gmail.com tales about sirens and creatures like the Korean Changgwi, who entice their prey and trick them into feeling safe, just to lead them to their death. The Pheromone ghosts figure is kept vague, just lightly suggesting a female shape while the one pulling the strings, the monstrous spider, has a wickedly nightmarish design with spindly arms, a head that resembles a bolas spider abdomen and mandibles/fangs protruding from its mouth.'