b'Illustrated Menagerie ARan augmented reality scavenger hunt 2022This book captures a virtual treasurefilm, triggered by viewing the workWe Shine, Portsmouth Creates Art & hunt exhibition which was formedthrough a free app, and creating anLight Festival, drew 90,000 attendees. as part of We Shine Portsmouthinteractive and immersive experienceThe three day non-profit event engaged 2022 Festival of Art and Light. Theaimed at fostering a deeper level of30 local groups and offered free scavenger hunt featured thirty fiveengagement with the artwork andcreative workshops to 2500 local illustrations of animals that weresubject matter. The app enabledpeople; www.weshineportsmouth.co.ukstrategically installed at given locationsviewers to unlock the full potential of throughout three distinct sites withinthe illustrations, allowing the animalsIllustrated Menagerie is a collection Portsmouth, UK, namely Victoria Park,to come to life and enter the viewersof illustrated animals established in St. Marys Church and Alexandra Park,space. Some of the works were more2010 and curated by Nicola Hay, according to a trail which aimed toimmersive and could be explored bySenior Lecturer, BA (Hons) Illustration, take the viewer through, and to interactthe viewer moving around inside andUniversity of Portsmouth, School of with, every artwork, as well as greenthrough the artwork. Two artworksArt, Design and Performance; www.spaces in the city.could react to the viewers proximityillustratedmenagerie.blogspot.comand as it was approached sounds or Through the use of Augmentedmovement would be triggered. Each Reality (AR) technology, the exhibitionpiece was assigned a geographic enhanced prints of the artwork byreference, and the clues to the incorporating digital media such aslocations were delivered as part of the animation, sound, moving image andAR layer for each artwork scanned.'