b'possess a visually neutral appearance,can create interactive and immersive2. Tell a Tail 360 VR; https://mdmi.perhaps devoid of printed elements,environments that foster empathy,uma.pt/tell-tail-360-vr-documentary/but instead incorporate embossedunderstanding, and personal growth. 3. John Hanke, Interview; https://visual codes which, when scanned,medium.com/financial-times/lunch-with-grant access to the augmented realityMoreover, extending the benefits of XRthe-ft-pok%C3%A9mon-go-creator-john-content. to non-human animals is an importanthanke-333aa7aaf93cconsideration. Through illustration, Embracing the potential advantageswe can provide virtual experiences to4. Ecotherapy: How Does the Great of XR in the realms of environmentalbridge the gap between humans andOutdoors Improve Mental Health?; https://issues, individuals, and non-humannon-human animals, we can fosterwww.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/animals through illustration iscompassion, empathy, and a deeperjun/17/ecotherapy-how-outdoors-improve-undoubtedly the path forward. Givenunderstanding of their needs and rights. mental-health-parks-wildernessthat technology is firmly entrenchedIn summary, as technology becomes5, 6 Print Magazine; https://www.in our lives, it is imperative that weincreasingly integrated into our lives,printmag.com/design-inspiration/the-leverage its capabilities to make aembracing XR and harnessing itsfuture-of-illustration/positive impact. potential through illustration presents an incredible opportunity to make a7. Susi Vetter Interview; https://Harnessing XR for the bettermentpositive difference for the environment,www.pixartprinting.co.uk/blog/susi-vetter-of the environment, both in termsindividuals, and non-human animals,augmented-reality/of sustainability and conservationa fantastic opportunity to seize this efforts, opens up exciting possibilities.chance to use technology for the8. Revolution Plastics, University Through immersive illustrations, wegreater good. of Portsmouth; https://www.port.ac.uk/can raise awareness, educate, andresearch/themes/sustainability-and-the-inspire action to protect our naturalenvironment/revolution-plasticsworld. Similarly, XR can enhance theNotesexperiences of individuals, offering novel ways to learn, communicate, and1. Oceans We Make; An Immersive engage with the world around them.Virtual Reality Experience; https://www.By combining illustration with XR, wewarrior9vr.com/oceans-we-make-immersive-vr'