b'rediscovery of local places by walkingscreen, encouraging a new wave ofcan this be determined? This book, and slowing down 3 , and Ecotherapy,bilateral involvement5 . On the powerwhilst both documenting an account of which examines the positive effectof Illustration Michelle Cahill states;an extensive AR/XR exhibition will also walking in nature has on stress levelsWithin a modern world that is overtlyact as a visual aid to exploring further and heart rates 4 , the project sought todigital, illustration can implore us tothe potential of XR within the field of engage people with nature and animalstake a second look, pause, reflect,illustration. through a game-based hunt. While thethink, connect and/or interact6 . The goal is to reexperience nature, the usetraditional and often tactile elementsIf the multisensory nature of XR fosters of screen-based technology, attemptingthat can be involved within illustrationdeeper responses within immersive to augment what is conveyed withpractice seem to provide a portal forenvironments, leveraging the impact on deeper meaning, raises concernsdiscovery, and the range of traditionalvisual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile about potentially interfering with theand non-traditional techniques evidentsenses implicit to XR-based applied art value of being in nature but pollutingwithin the IMARSH AR artworkscould play a crucial role in conveying it by using a screen. However, whiledemonstrates this admirably, bringingmeaningful messages to an audience. it is often said that technology isa feel for the tactile, the hand-made,Ensuring these messages are non-an inevitable aspect of modern life,the human, to the realm of AR, withinharmful to humans and other animals harnessing its power for positivewhich material is commonly purelybecomes a significant responsibility purposes is preferable, and thus, it maydigitally rendered, in original andin such artistic endeavours, and in the be necessary to embrace it. unexpected ways. The uniqueness ofcase of IMARSH, could do good by the illustrations make a connectionraising awareness about environmental From the perspective of applied visualbetween one individual; the artist, andand social issues and their impact upon arts, particularly Illustration, the projectanother; the viewer.both human and non-human animals.has two primary considerations. Firstly, it explores the impact of AR onThe second consideration involves illustration. According to Print Magazineexamining the influence of AR on on the future of illustration, Theengagement with the message development of interactive illustrationsconveyed by an illustration; does it and animation is now breaking theindeed foster deeper engagement with barrier between the viewer and thethe content of the illustration, and how'