b'Summaryof animation were moderated forbooks, enabling a closer and all-round suitability and the contributing artistsview of the work. Applications of all For the multi-layered, multi-sensorywere consulted on any adjustmentsof these techniques are valuable to experience of an augmented artmade.explore for their ability to engage, trail to be successful the workflow isenhance and enrich the field of visual intense. Beyond the initial creationThe trails featured four experimentalcommunication and illustration and are and reproduction of the artworksand immersive artworks, Crowspotentially a powerful tool for creative themselves, installation of the exhibitionFall, Matter of the Manor, Butterfliespractitioners. involved multiple steps to map effectiveand Dragon. Once triggered using trails, produce the digital multi-sensorythe QR code, each of these enabledIn the preparation for the event, the experience and finally monitoring of theviewing of the three dimensional workexhibition itself and the aftermath, trails, once the event was underway.in and around the viewers space.a number of questions arose Crows Fall depicts a crows flight inconcerning whether the AR or XR Once the artworks were initiallysequence. This can be experiencedelement enhanced, detracted from, or selected they were put to a commonin a different way with the immersivechanged the original illustration. From template poster designed inpoint of view which its XR environmentobservation, the reaction to each of collaboration with We Shine. Thepermits. Furthermore the addition ofthe artworks, once the digital element posters themselves were printedsound and text enhanced the intendedwas accessed, was commonly one of on Correx board, for longevity andmessage. With Matter of the Manor thesurprise and intrigue. The technology resilience, ahead of their installation atviewers interaction with the artworkenabled viewers to step into and the locations mapped. Once installed,was further explored. Proximity to thephysically control what they were the trail at each location was testedaugmented work plays the sound ofviewing. Even the most fundamental ahead of the launch night. In thedeathwatch beetle, almost as thoughAR element, for example an animation meantime the AR digital content waslistening at the walls for the sound ofplaying after the user scanned a still generated using a range of methodsthe creature within. Butterflies is also aimage, engendered an increase in and location clues created as part ofproximity-triggered animated artworkfocus, a leaning in to the screen, and the AR element. Existing animationsand for Dragon, AR brings into threea greater perceived depth of interest. were made suitable for the AR anddimensions a LIDAR-scanned image, asWith more challenging interactions, for XR apps; file types, sizes and lengthused in many museums and informationexample with Matter of the Manor again'