b'the reaction was one of increasedsublime, low-key beautiful, and at theand conveying meaning. The concept focus, but questions arose fromevent itself, that the trail once accessedof using a printed trigger image as a this; was the extent of the meaningwas fascinating, but that it was initiallycatalyst for a sequence or series of of the piece clear? Which were theunclear as to what it was and how itsubsequent digital materials holds most meaningful and successfulworked. With relatively new technologyimmense potential, not only for an interactions between original imagelike this, this is to be expected andexhibition such as IMARSH but in and augmented layer? Furthermoredemonstration quickly enthused peoplethe larger world. One potential use what did the materiality of the twoto engage, and over the course of thefor Illustration and AR could be in elements bring to the intendedfestival the exhibition gained over apromoting sustainability, for example meaning? Augmented Reality Illustratorthousand AR views. A greater numberas virtual packaging for reusable Suzi Vetter says of her work; Theresof support and demonstration staffmaterials. According to University of this really special moment when youfor an event like this would be vital toPortsmouths Revolution Plastics, 8change or enhance the physical worldfuture success as would a recordedmanufacturers are reluctant to with something virtual. I like to workprojection of a demonstration to showrelinquish single-use plastic packaging with this tension in AR.7 exactly how the AR is accessed and thein part because of its potential to trail followed. A projected video at eachcarry their branding and message. For The next step towards exploring thislocation would have been invaluable ininstance, consider a trigger image or tension between the tactile surfacepromoting the trails and engaging morean object like a reusable cup for life andAR, and answering the questionspeople. What cannot be formally testedthat can convey information about raised during this project will be to testnow, however, is the trail itself as thisthe associated brand, promote the the material and gather responses.was quite quickly rendered incompletebrands values or causes it supports, There was too short a timeframefollowing the festival with artworks at allor simply communicate current between creating the trails and theirthree public locations going missing.messages. Leveraging the versatility going public to enable this at the firstof XR/AR technology, the contents instance, but the intention in publishingAR digital content offers the flexibilitymeaning and message can be adjusted this book is to gain feedback on thethat it can be customised, modified, oras needed, eliminating the need for artworks and their AR elements.altered based on specific requirements,frequent material reproduction to stay Comments on the trail during themaking it a captivating realm torelevant and fresh. In this example, the festival on social media described it asexplore in terms of both illustrationtriggering object or image could even'