b'Jac BateyImagine Animals CommutingThis short animation was the result of drawing on the train during a commuting week. Its a combination of digital photos and drawings combined in Procreate then animated in MentalCanvas. The idea was to reimagine a train journey by creating a fantastical group of passengers such as the blue lemur.Jac Batey is an artist who makes zines and artists books. She is also the course leader on MA Illustration at the University of Portsmouth. Her artists books and serial zine Future Fantasteek! have been widely collected by over 80 international bookarts and zine collections across the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe, Scotland, and the UK. Including Tate Britain, The V&A Library, the British Library, Eton College Library, the Getty Institute, the Yale Center for British Art, Connecticut, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Minnesota Centre for the Book and the Charles M. Schulz Museum, California.Instagram; @bateyjac'